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Apollo 13  Franklin Mint Sterling Silver

Apollo 13 Franklin Mint Sterling Silver

Apollo 13 (Sterling Silver)

Year: 1970

Mint/Issuer: The Franklin Mint

Mintage: 20(Flown)/180(Unflown)

Additional Information:

The Apollo 13 coin exchange can be traced back to the crew of Apollo 13, who brought 20 silver coins into space for Philadelphia's Franklin Mint, but were prevented from landing on the moon or going into moon orbit by an accident in space. When the crew of Apollo 13 returned to earth, they sent one of the 20 coins back to the Franklin Mint and kept the other 19 coins. Most of the coins were given to Apollo engineers who helped bring the crippled Apollo 13 spacecraft back to Earth. It was further confirmed with Lovell's office that the medals he has sold through Heritage were indeed not flown.

Note: The remaining 180(un-flown) medallions of the 200 given to Lovell, remained in his collection until being sold off. The serial numbers of the flown medallions are unknown.

Note: The Franklin Mint also made additional medallions to be sold. These do not have serial numbers and are un-flown. Only the 200 given to Lovell are serialized. Also the FM un-serialized versions have the corrected crew(Swigert instead of Mattingly) while the 200 do not.
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